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If you cannot find the answer to your question here on aka.dk, you are welcome to contact us.

You can chat with us, send a message via Mit AKA (if you are a member), talk to our voicebot around the clock, or call us. 

The phones are open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 9-15.

Chat with us at all hours

You can chat with our chatbot 24 hours a day. On Wednesdays between 9-15, the chatbot will forward it to one our consultants, if it cannot answer your question. The consultant will get back to you via the chat.

If you log in to ’Mit AKA’, all chat activities will automatically be stored in your ‘Mit AKA’ inbox.

Send a message through ’Mit AKA

When you log in to ’Mit AKA’ to send a message, you will be able to attach documents. Your messages are saved in your ‘Mit AKA’ inbox, which is a secure site where all information is encrypted. 

You get an email when there are new messages in your ‘Mit AKA’ inbox, so make sure your email address is updated in the system under personal information (personlige oplysninger).

Email: kontakt@aka.dk

You can send an email to kontakt@aka.dk. If you are a member, all emails sent to kontakt@aka.dk will automatically be stored in your ‘Mit AKA’ inbox.

We recommend that you do not send personal, information such as CPR-number or account number by email.

Call us at +45 33 95 03 95

The phones are open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 9-15.

On Wednesdays, the phones are closed, but you are welcome to chat with us.


You can also send a letter. Our mail address is Akademikernes A-kasse, Postboks 410, Vester Farimagsgade 13, 1606 København V.

Our office addresses

At our offices in Copenhagen and Aarhus, you can come in and get a place to sit and work. It is open 8.30-15.30 Monday to Thursday and 8.30-14.30 on Fridays.

Akademikernes A-kasse Copenhagen
Vester Farimagsgade 13
1606 København V

Akademikernes A-kasse Aarhus
Mariane Thomsens Gade 2F, 7. sal
8000 Aarhus C

Akademikernes A-kasse Odense
Cortex Park 12C, 4. sal
5230 Odense M

Akademikernes A-kasse Aalborg
Vestre Havnepromenade 9, 3. sal
9000 Aalborg

Akademikernes A-kasse Esbjerg
Torvet 21, 1. sal lokale 7
6700 Esbjerg

Akademikernes A-kasse Herning
Birk Centerpark 40, 1. sal,
7400 Herning